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襄陽德而尼自動化設備有限公司德國哈恩庫博HAHN+KOLB系列產品,具有格優勢及貨期準,報快,詢。:,,:http://m.regions.cc,德國哈恩庫博HAHN+KOLB集團公司是家具有百余年傳統歷史享負盛名的公司,總部位于德國技術工業中心斯圖加。公司在成立之初就致力于為工業用戶提供質量的工具設備,過百余年的勵精圖治目前已發展成為行業內工具設備的的系統服務商之,在產品綜合性、性,品質優異性、供應及時性、服務性等方面也在行業內具有很的聲譽。產品幾乎覆蓋了工業應用的整個行業,并被廣泛應用于多個行業與環境中。 德國哈恩庫博公司的產品樣本有約6種產品和規格,產品范圍涉及機械加工,質量控制,工業裝配和設備維修,電器安裝等各個工業領域。哈恩庫博公司主要服務于中型工業企業,如奔馳、寶馬、眾、西門子、Bosch, ABB等公司都是公司的客戶。德國哈恩庫博集團在世界許多國家設有分公司和代表處。子公司在奧地利、法國、俄羅斯、波蘭、匈牙利、塞爾維亞、羅馬尼亞、中國、印度和保加利亞等, 2001年8月哈恩庫博集團正式登陸中國.過10年來業務的迅猛發展,遍及中國工廠,致力于為客戶利益化,提供完整的解決方案及*服務,力求成為客戶可信賴的合作伙伴。哈恩庫博公司以德國原文樣本為基礎,結合了中國市場的實際要求,精選了四多種產品,編譯了版的中文樣本。 中國的濟發展已取得了舉世矚目的成就,中國市場即將是我們公司未來發展的增點。對此我們信心百倍。Xiangyang de Ernie automation equipment Limited special wholesale Germany of Ji Duorui GEDORE full range of products, has the absolute price advantage and quasi-period goods, offer fast, welcome calls inquiry. ephone: : , , URL: http:\/\/m.regions.cc, Germany Hahn Cooper group is a company with more than 100 years of history the renowned company, headquartered in high technology industry in Stuttgart. In the early days of the company is committed to industrial customers to provide high quality equipment, after more than 100 years of good governance has become the industry 's largest system of tool equipment service providers, in product comprehensive, professional, quality excellent, timely supply, services and other aspects in the industry with very high reputation. Products cover nearly the entire industry industrial application, and is widely used in many industries and environment. Germany Hahn Cooper company product samples of about 60000 kinds of products and specifications, the scope of products involved in mechanical processing, quality control, industrial assembly and equipment repair, electrical installation and other industrial areas. Hahn Cooper company mainly services in large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Siemens, Bosch, ABB and other companies are the company's major customers. Germany Hahn Cooper ( ) group in the world, many countries with branches and representative offices. Subsidiaries in Austria, France, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, China, India and Bulgaria in 2001 August, Hahn Cooper Group officially landed in China . After 10 years of rapid business development in China, the size of the factory, is committed to maximize the interests of customers, providing complete solutions and a full range of services, and strive to become customers a trusted partner. Cooper Jaen original sample of Companies in Germany as the basis, combined with the practical requirements of the Chinese market, featured more than forty thousand kinds of products, compile a new version of the Chinese sample. China 's economic development has obtained the achievement that attract worldwide attention, Chinese market is our company the future development of the biggest point of growth. This confidence in us.
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