1,對使用環境的要求在灰塵多、有水滴的場所,桿側應帶伸縮防護套,安裝時,不要出現擰扭狀態。不能使用伸縮防護套的場所,應選用帶力防塵圈的氣缸或防水氣缸。關于氣缸的潤滑給油潤滑氣缸,應配置流量合適的油霧器。2.關于氣缸的負載活塞桿通常只能承受軸向負載。要避免在活塞桿施加橫向負載和偏心負載。有橫向負載時,活塞桿應加導向裝置,或選用到導桿氣缸 3.關于氣缸的安裝安裝固定式氣缸時,負載和活塞桿的軸線要致。安裝耳環式和耳軸式氣缸時,應保證氣缸的擺動和負載的擺動在個平面內。不然,輕則密封件偏磨,造成漏氣,使氣缸使用壽命降;重氣缸不動作。有時,氣缸還會出現沖擊動作,可能造成人身和裝置的損傷。氣缸現場安裝時,要防止鉆孔的切屑末從氣缸的進氣口混入缸內。腳座式氣缸若在腳座有定位孔,可用于定位耳軸式軸承支座的安裝面離軸承的距離較時,要注意安裝面的安裝螺釘不得受力太而損壞。用固定式氣缸使連接臂作圓弧運動時,可在臂開形孔,所開形孔應考慮到在導向套受的橫向負載不要過規定值。銷軸之類的回轉要涂潤滑脂,以防止燒結。對空氣質量的要求要使用清潔干燥的壓縮空氣??諝庵胁坏煤袡C溶劑的合成油、鹽分、腐蝕性氣體等,以防缸、閥動作不良。安裝前,連接配管內應充分吹洗,不要將灰塵、切削末、密封帶碎片等雜質帶入缸、閥內,m.regions.cc
Xiangyang German and Nepalese special sales automation equipment Co., Ltd. Japan SMC SMC, Japan, SMC cylinder, Japan SMC solenoid valve, Japan SMC pneumatic products please call to discuss,
Note the use of SMC cylinder as
1, the requirements for use in a dusty environment, a drop of water in places, with a escopic rod side of the protective cover should be installed, do not appear twist state. You can not use retractable protective sleeves in place, should be used with strong dust ring of the cylinder or water cylinder. On the cylinder lubrication oil lubrication to the cylinder, you should configure the appropriate flow lubricator. (2) the load on the cylinder piston rod is usually only axial load. To avoid lateral load applied on the piston rod and eccentric load. A lateral load, the piston rod guide should be added, or used to guide cylinder 3 cylinder Installation on fixed cylinder, the load and the axis of the piston rod to be consistent. Trunnion-style earrings and install the cylinder, the cylinder should ensure that the load swing and swing in a plane. Otherwise, ranging from partial seal wear, resulting in leakage, reduce the life of the cylinder; heavy cylinder does not move. Sometimes, there will be the impact of the cylinder moves, and the device can lead to personal injury. Cylinders on-site installation, drilling cuttings at the end to prevent the inlet from the cylinder mix cylinder. Foot cylinder seat if there are holes in the feet, can be used to position the trunnion bearings bearing mounting surface of the large distance from the bearing, pay attention to the mounting surface of the mounting screws must not force too much damage. Cylinder with a fixed arm for circular motion to make the connection, you can open a long-shaped hole in the arm, the opening should take into account long-shaped hole in the horizontal direction by the load put on no more than the specified value. Like the rotation pin coated with grease to in order to prevent sintering. Air quality requirements to the use of clean dry compressed air. Air shall not contain organic solvents in synthetic oil, salt, corrosive gases, etc., to prevent the cylinder, valve action bad. Before installation, the pipe should be fully connected with the purge, not to dust, the cutting end, sealed with debris and other impurities into the cylinder, valve
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