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襄陽德而尼自動化設備有限公司英國諾霸Norbar系列扭力扳手,系列國折扣55折,英國諾霸Norbar是球的扭矩專家,專門的扭矩擰緊和測量設備的設計,開發和生產和的工廠之。諾霸是*的的扭矩設備制造商能夠提供扭矩工具和儀器校準和重校準服務,以原廠標準在四洲。NATA認可的實驗室在阿德萊德,南澳利亞州和NVLAP認可的實驗室在Willoughby,俄亥俄,美國工廠的UKAS認可的實驗室使用相同的設備和程序?,F在,的SAC-SINGLAS實驗室在加坡為亞洲客戶有相同的設施。此外,多數的諾霸分銷商提供維修,校準和重校準服務。些公頃已校準地方標準組織的認證。諾霸擁有的創始人比爾Brodey的純粹的后裔,他們仍然熱衷于為客戶提供品質,物有所值的產品和服務的值的每點。諾霸成立于1942年。“北酒吧工具公司”(如諾霸當時的名稱),成為*家在英國的商業化生產的扭矩扳手。初的需求驅動需要的墊圈準確地收緊了羅爾斯羅伊斯的默林發動機的氣缸蓋。,比爾Brodey和他的合伙人歐內斯·Thornitt獲得了英國在戰爭期間的政府許可開始制造的扭矩扳手諾霸誕生了。從那時起,諾霸繼續投資在的設計,制造和質量控制技術,實現轉矩控制設備領域的水平的創和精準的。襄陽德而尼自動化設備有限公司諾霸系列扭力扳手,詢,:,,: torque of the world's leading experts, dedicated to one of the torque tightening and measuring equipment design, development and production of the most advanced and largest factory. is the only torque equipment manufacturer to provide the torque tool and instrument calibration and re-calibration services to original factory standard on four continents. NATA accredited laboratory in Adelaide, South Australia and NVLAP accredited laboratory in Willoughby, Ohio, U.S. factory UKAS accredited laboratory using the same equipment and procedures. Now, the new SAC-SINGLAS laboratory in Singapore for Asian customers have the same facilities. In addition, most of the distributors to provide maintenance, calibration and re-calibration services. Number of hectares have been calibrated local standards certification organizations. Pure descendants of the founder, Bill Brodey of has, they are still keen on providing customers with high quality, value for money products and services, the value of each point. The company was founded in 1942. North Bar Tool Company "(as was then known), became the first commercial production in the UK torque wrench. The initial demand-driven gasket tighten the cylinder head of the Rolls-Royce Merlin engines. Bill Brodey and his partner Ernest · Thornitt obtained the British during the war, the government's permission to start manufacturing torque wrenches was born. Since then, continue to invest in innovation and precision of the latest design, manufacturing and quality control techniques, the highest level in the field of torque control equipment. Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. Xiangyang Germany while Nepal the special wholesale torque wrench, please call inquiry :0710 -3072626 :0710 -3449965 Website:
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