SMC氣缸是由缸筒、端蓋、活塞、活塞桿和密封件組成,其內部結構如圖所示: SMC CM2氣缸活塞采用組合密封圈實現雙向密封,桿側端蓋設有密封圈和防塵圈,活塞要在缸筒內做平穩的往復滑動,缸筒內表面的表面粗糙度應達到Ra0.8um。對鋼管缸筒,內表面還應鍍硬鉻,以減摩擦阻力和磨損,以防止從活塞桿處向外漏氣和防止外部灰塵混入缸內。桿側端蓋設有導向套,以提氣缸的導向精度,承受活塞桿少量的橫向負載,減活塞桿伸出時的下彎量,延氣缸使用壽命。導向套通常使用燒結含油合金、前傾銅鑄件。端蓋過去常用可鍛鑄鐵,現在為減輕重量并防銹,常使用鋁合金壓鑄,微型缸有使用黃銅材料的。SMC氣缸原理圖內徑代表了氣缸輸出力的。并能防止銹蝕。缸筒材質除使用碳鋼管外,還是用度鋁合金和黃銅。型氣缸有使用不銹鋼管的。帶磁性開關的氣缸或在腐蝕環境中使用的氣缸,缸筒應使用不銹鋼、鋁合金或黃銅等材質?;钊c活塞桿用壓鉚鏈接,不用螺母。端蓋 端蓋設有進排氣通口,有的還在端蓋內設有緩沖機構。SMC cylinder is a cylinder, end caps, piston, piston rod and the sealing composition of their internal structure as shown: the SMC the CM2 piston combination seals bi-directional seal on the rod side of the end cap has a ring anddust ring, the piston in the cylinder, smooth reciprocating sliding, the surface roughness of the surface inside the cylinder should reach Ra0.8um. Steel pipe cylinder, the inner surface should be hard chrome plating to reduce friction and wear in order to prevent outward from the piston rod at the leak and prevent external dust mixed with the cylinder. On the rod side of the end cap has a guide sleeve in order to improve the orientation accuracy of the cylinder, and bear the piston rod on a small amount of lateral load, reducing the piston rod out when the next bend amount, extend cylinder life. The guide sleeve is usually sintered oil alloy, forward the bronze pieces. End caps in the past commonly used malleable iron, to reduce weight and rust-proof, and often use the aluminum die casting, micro-cylinder used brass materials. SMC cylinder principle of hole size represents the size of the cylinder output force. And to prevent corrosion. In addition to the use of high-carbon steel pipe, the cylinder material, or use of high strength aluminum alloy and brass. The small cylinder has the use of stainless steel pipe. Cylinder with a magnetic switch or cylinder used in the corrosion environment, the cylinder should be used in stainless steel, aluminum or brass and other materials. Piston and piston rod with Riveted links, not the nut. The end cap on the end cap with the intake and exhaust openings, and some still end cap equipped with a buffering mechanism.襄陽德而尼自動化設備有限公司銷售日本SMC,SMC氣動,SMC氣缸,SMC接頭,SMC電磁閥等,并具有格優勢,快報,詢!
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